Hello, and welcome to my homepage. I’m a PhD student in Applied Physics at Stanford University. I work on quantum simulation of many-body systems on a quantum dot platform in David Goldhaber-Gordon’s group at the Geballe Laboratory of Advanced Materials (GLAM). Check out more about my work here. In 2019, I graduated with a Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Nanoelectronics, from the Indian Institue of Techonlogy Bombay (IIT Bombay). I worked on my Master’s thesis in Prof. Bhaskaran Muralidharan’s Quantum Transport group.

I am passionate about quantum technology and excited by the prospects it holds for tomorrow :) I have developed a keen interest in quantum information and condensed matter physics. You can find my work in these areas on the Research tab. My academic life has been delineated on my CV page.

I enjoy sports, and particularly follow cricket and football (soccer). I also enjoy playing the piano and I’m part of the Stanford New Ensemble. I’ve been learning the culinary secrets of haute cuisine and enjoy experiments in the kitchen ;)

The blurring borders of the scientific and spiritual world has caught my interest. I actively participate in Ekatva Gita workshops, organized by Sri Balagopal Ramachandran, a venerable teacher at the Oneness University.